Exams and Assessment

Key Stage 3 is a crucial time in a student’s school life – it is during these formative years that students experience a broad and balanced knowledge-rich curriculum that provides them with the cultural capital for later success, both in KS4 and KS5, but also in their adult life. We have a 3- year KS3 which ensures students experience a broad and balanced curriculum where creative subjects such as the visual and performing arts, as well as academic subjects are highly valued and protected.

In Year 7, 8 & 9 students are assessed in a variety of different ways, however assessment takes place continuously whether through range of strategies include whole class feedback, verbal feedback, formative assessment marked by class teachers or question-level analysis following the end-of-year exams.

 All Year 7s and in-year admissions in other year groups complete a reading and numeracy test when they start. This allows us to quickly identify any difficulties with reading and maths, especially where it is likely to impact access to the curriculum, and swift intervention is put into place to address any gaps.

KS3 Assessment Points

Year 7, 8 and 9 have two summative assessment points during the year where they are tested using a spiral curriculum approach, assessing the knowledge and skills they have learnt throughout their study of subject at KS3 so far. This enables students to continuous to build on their knowledge and understanding as well as encouraging them to develop revision skills that they will need when they move on to KS4.

We send an academic progress report home to parents 3 times per year, 2 of which detail the level students are achieving in each of their subjects – these are called ‘KS3 grades’ (Developing, Securing and Mastering) and are the grade a teacher believes that student will reach by the end of the academic year. KS3 grades that match the overall target of each subject indicate that they are on track – it’s important to remember a student might have made particularly strong progress in some subjects meaning they are above target and may find another subject more difficult and be just below target.

 Year 7Year 8Year 9
Assessment Point 19th January – 19th January 20249th January – 19th January 202420th November – 1st December 2023
AP1 Report9th February 20249th February 202422nd December 2023
Assessment Point 213th May – 24th May 202413th May – 24th May 20248th April – 19th April 2024
AP2 Report28th June 202428th June 202417th May 2024

KS4 Assessment Points

Having made their options choices at the end of KS3, students study these subjects for 2 years before sitting external examinations at the end of Year 11. Year 10 have mock exams at the end of the summer term whilst Year 11 sit two sets of mock exams – the 1st in the Autumn term and the 2nd in the Spring. Students are given detailed feedback following their assessment in the form of question level analysis and whole class feedback.

The ‘KS4 grades’ on KS4 reports show the grade (9-1 for GCSE and D*-P for vocational courses) that a student is on track to achieve by the end of Year 11. KS4 grades that match the overall target of each subject indicate that they are on track. It is important to remember a student might have made particularly strong progress in some subjects meaning they are above target and may find another subject more difficult and be just below target. Please encourage your child to engage in individual conversations with their subject staff and to act on advice and recommendations in order to maximise progress.

 Year 10Year 11
Assessment Point 120th November – 1st December 20236th November – 17th November 2023
AP1 Report 15th December 2023
Assessment Point 222nd January – 2nd February 202419th February – 1st March 2024
AP2 Report8th March 202422nd March 2024
Assessment Point 310th June – 21st June 2024 
AP3 Report12th July 2024

Year 10 Summer Mock

Year 7 AP2

Year 8 AP2

Year 9 AP2

Y11 on their return after Easter will complete their remaining BTEC and practical exams before beginning the 2024 exam series on Tuesday 7th May. Please see below an overview of the 2024 exam series for our Y11 students. 

exam timetable