Pupil Premium is funding given by the government to schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. Since September 2014, the premium will be worth £935 and goes to students who are currently registered for Free school Meals (FSM) and those who have received FSM in the past six years (known as Ever6/E6). Students in care, even for one day, also continue to qualify for the Pupil Premium. Currently there are 38% of students at OHA who are eligible for Pupil Premium.
Ensuring equity in education is a priority for all learners at OHA. From carefully analysing a range of data, the main barriers that our students who are Pupil Premium face are based on the following factors: Literacy, Attendance, Behaviour, Aspirations and Academic Support.
We work really hard to ensure that any barriers preventing students from accessing an ambitious and inspirational learning journey are eradicated. We carefully consider bespoke interventions based on the needs of individual students and then take time to consider the impact of these interventions on our students. Our three key approaches for supporting Pupil Premium students are based on specific research from the Education Endowment Foundation and focus on the following areas: Targeted Academic Support, High Quality Teaching and a range of Wider Strategies that support the individual needs of our students. These three core strategies are then broken down in to specific and bespoke support that meet the needs of our students.
Below is a list of specific strategies that we put in place to eradicate the barriers for our students: