Remote Learning

Remote Learning  

We believe that, for your child to experience the best possible education, learning should take place on site, amongst staff and peers. 

In the event that the academy needs to close for a short period of time (for example, due to adverse weather), work will be posted to Edulink with instructions for work completion and teachers will be available to support during the school day. Teachers can be contacted during this time via Edulink or email.   

In the event that the academy needs to close due to extenuating circumstances for an extended period of time, remote learning will take place, and lessons will be taught live, remotely, following the normal school timetable. Where this can’t happen, due to unforeseen staffing issues or limitations of practical subjects, work will be posted to Edulink with instructions for work completion (though we aim to have a teacher present during this time to support students with any work set). 

If your child is due to be absent from the academy for a prolonged period of time, and this absence is authorised, (for example, following a surgery or medical procedure) we can support their ongoing education. Please contact your child’s Raising Standards Leader or Head of Year in the first instance. A meeting or phone call will take place to discuss your Childs individual circumstances and find the right balance between supporting their rest and recovery and helping them stay in touch with the curriculum. A member of the inclusion team will then liaise with your family to set the plan in motion. We may direct your child to access work via Edulink, Tassoami or other online platforms during this time. 

Parental/Carer support  

Remote learning can be as challenging for parents and carers as for students. If students are struggling to access the work, you, or they, can email their classroom teacher directly. If this does not solve the problem, please contact their Head of Year who will be able to help.  

If you are unsure of the relevant email address for the person you are trying to contact, please email [email protected]. This email address is monitored throughout the school day and all queries are responded to within an hour.  

If your child is unable to access suitable equipment to allow them to undertake remote learning, the academy will endeavour to support with the provision of equipment. Please contact Miss Spencer, Director of Classroom Inclusion, ([email protected]) to discuss. 

If you have questions that are not answered in this information document or guide, please do not hesitate to email the academy at  [email protected]. 

Reducing the stress and risk of working online  

One of the challenges in this digital age is managing the level of online communications; both sending out and receiving them. We will endeavour to only contact your child via Edulink or their school email to reduce the impact of online communications. 

It is important that your child takes breaks away from the screen throughout the day, both during what would be their usual lunch break and what would be their five minutes transition time between lessons. We would also encourage them to spend time away from screens (including mobile phones, tablets and televisions) both before and after school.  

Whilst it is important that your child engages fully in their lessons online and completes work, it is equally important for the school day to come to an end and for them to have some down time.